This webpage contains R codes used for Shin et al. (2023). Data and scripts used for text preprocessing were also posted through an online data repository at
Shin, M., Ok, M. W., Choo, S., Hossain, G., Bryant, D. P., & Kang, E. (2023). A content analysis of research on technology use for teaching mathematics to students with disabilities: Word networks and topic modeling. International Journal of STEM Education, 10 (Article 23).
1. Import a .csv file
raw_tbl <- read_csv("data/raw_data.csv")
raw_tbl_period <- raw_tbl %>% mutate(period = dplyr::case_when(
year >=1980 & year <= 1989 ~ "1980_to_1989",
year >=1990 & year <= 1999 ~ "1990_to_1999",
year >=2000 & year <= 2009 ~ "2000_to_2009",
year >=2010 & year <= 2021 ~ "2010_to_2021")) %>%
dplyr::select(reference_type, author, year, period, everything())
2. Preprocess
Construct a document-feature matrix (dfm) from a tokens object.
united_tbl <- raw_tbl_period %>%
mutate(year.c = year - 1980) %>%
mutate(text_col_removed =
c("Abstract: " = "",
"Abstracts: " = "",
"Aim: " = "",
"Aims: " = "",
"Background: " = "",
"Conclusion: " = "",
"Conclusions: " = "",
"Design: " = "",
"Discussion: " = "",
"Effects of " = "",
"Introduction: " = "",
"Key words: " = "",
"Keywords: " = "",
"Implications for practitioners: " = "",
"Implications for Rehabilitation: " = "",
"Independent variables: " = "",
"Measures: " = "",
"Method: " = "",
"Methods: " = "",
"Methods and Procedures: " = "",
"Purpose: " = "",
"Objective: " = "",
"Objectives: " = "",
"Outcomes and Results: " = "",
"Participant: " = "",
"Participants: " = "",
"Purpose: " = "",
"Results: " = "",
"Results and Conclusions: " = "",
"Review of " = "",
"Setting: " = "",
"Study objective: " = "",
"Subjects and Methods: " = "")
) %>%
# Drop missing data
drop_na(text_col_removed) %>%
mutate(study_number = row_number()) %>%
source("scripts/preprocess.all.R", local = TRUE)
toks_processed <- united_tbl %>% preprocess.all(text_field = "abstract", verbose = FALSE)
dfm <- dfm(toks_processed)
dfm_td <- tidy(dfm)
dfm_idf <- dfm_td %>%
bind_tf_idf(term, document, count) %>%
distinct(term, idf) %>%
arrange(idf, as.factor(term))
dfm_idf_5_pct <- dfm_idf %>%
filter(idf < quantile(dfm_idf$idf, 0.05))
Remove stop words (common words across documents).
source("scripts/stopwords_list.R", local = TRUE)
toks_processed_removed <-
toks_processed %>%
## Tokens consisting of 488 documents and 9 docvars.
## 1 :
## [1] "notes" "alp" "minicalculator"
## [4] "program" "elementary_mathematics" "worked"
## [7] "clinical" "learning_disabled" "youngsters"
## [10] "perceptual" "memory" "deficit"
## [ ... and 19 more ]
## 2 :
## [1] "investigated" "relationship" "locus"
## [4] "achievement" "learning_disabled" "elementary_school"
## [7] "aged" "CAI" "instructional_method"
## 3 :
## [1] "investigation" "CAI" "learning_disabled"
## [4] "elementary_school" "CAI" "mathematics_skill"
## [7] "twenty" "references" "listed"
## 4 :
## [1] "arc" "ed" "curriculum" "video" "game"
## [6] "formats" "language" "arts" "motivational" "feature"
## [11] "feedback" "high"
## [ ... and 12 more ]
## 5 :
## [1] "explores" "applicability" "video" "arcade"
## [5] "game" "formats" "educational" "microcomputer"
## [9] "software" "variable" "ore" "potentially"
## [ ... and 39 more ]
## 6 :
## [1] "investigation" "handheld" "calculator"
## [4] "secondary" "educable" "mental_retardation"
## [7] "speed" "accuracy" "motivation"
## [10] "working" "algorithmic" "basic"
## [ ... and 143 more ]
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 482 more documents ]
Construct a second dfm after removing stop words.
## Document-feature matrix of: 488 documents, 4,509 features (99.01% sparse) and 9 docvars.
## features
## docs notes alp minicalculator program elementary_mathematics worked clinical
## 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
## 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## features
## docs learning_disabled youngsters perceptual
## 1 2 1 1
## 2 1 0 0
## 3 1 0 0
## 4 0 0 0
## 5 0 0 0
## 6 0 0 0
## [ reached max_ndoc ... 482 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 4,499 more features ]
Structural topic modeling
Given a vector of document covariates \(X_d\), the topic proportion per document is defined as follows: \[\theta_{d, k}= \frac{\exp \left(\eta_{d, k}\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^K \exp \left(\eta_{d, k}\right)} \text {,} \] where \(\eta_d \sim \operatorname{Normal}\left(\mu_d=X_d \gamma, \Sigma\right);\) \(\gamma\) is a coefficient matrix for the topic prevalence model, and \(\Sigma\) is a covariance matrix (Roberts et al., 2016). The document-specific distribution over words is proportional to the combination of the baseline word frequency \((m)\) and the sparse topic-specific deviation from the baseline \((K_k)\) in the logarithmic space (Roberts et al., 2016): \[\beta_{d,k,y }=\frac{\exp \left(m_v+K_{k, v}\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^K \exp \left(m_v+K_{k, v}\right)} \text {,} \] where \(m\) and \(K_k\) are vectors whose length is the number of distinct elements of vocabulary used in the current text mining, \(v \in\{1, \ldots, 4,510\}\).
1. Modeling
out <- quanteda::convert(dfm_2, to = "stm")
# library(stm)
# set.seed(1234)
# K_search <- searchK(out$documents,
# out$vocab,
# data = out$meta,
# max.em.its = 75,
# init.type = "Spectral",
# K = c(5:30),
# prevalence = ~
# I((year >= 1980)*(year - 1980)) +
# I((year >= 1990)*(year - 1990)) +
# I((year >= 2000)*(year - 2000)) +
# I((year >= 2010)*(year - 2010)),
# verbose = TRUE)
# # from stm
# plot.searchK <-function(x, ...){
# oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
# g <- x$results
# par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(2,2,2,2),oma=c(0,0,2,0), cex=3.5)
# plot(g$K,g$heldout,type="p", main="Held-out likelihood", xlab="", ylab="")
# lines(g$K,g$heldout,lty=2,col=2)
# plot(g$K,g$residual,type="p", main="Residuals", xlab="", ylab="")
# lines(g$K,g$residual,lty=2,col=2 )
# if(!is.null(g$semcoh)){
# plot(g$K,g$semcoh,type="p", main="Semantic coherence", xlab="", ylab="")
# lines(g$K,g$semcoh,lty=2,col=2 )
# }
# plot(g$K,g$lbound,type="p", main="Lower bound", xlab="", ylab="")
# lines(g$K,g$lbound,lty=2,col=2 )
# par(oldpar)
# }
# plot(K_search_plot)
knitr::include_graphics("figures/K_search.png", error = FALSE)
2. Estimated effects
#### Convert quanteda objects to stm package format.
stm_15 <- stm(out$documents,
data = out$meta,
prevalence = ~
I((year >= 1980)*(year - 1980)) +
I((year >= 1990)*(year - 1990)) +
I((year >= 2000)*(year - 2000)) +
I((year >= 2010)*(year - 2010)),
max.em.its = 75,
init.type = 'Spectral',
K = 15,
verbose = FALSE)
# Model estimated effects.
effect_stm_15 <- estimateEffect(1:15 ~
I((year >= 1980)*(year - 1980)) +
I((year >= 1990)*(year - 1990)) +
I((year >= 2000)*(year - 2000)) +
I((year >= 2010)*(year - 2010)),
metadata = out$meta,
documents = out$documents,
uncertainty = "Global")
effect_stm_15_td <- tidy(effect_stm_15)
labeled_topic_list <- c(
"Visual-based technology",
"Learning disabilities",
"Math achievement",
"Instructional sequence",
"Auditory support",
"Self-monitoring tools",
"Support for visual materials",
"WPS instruction",
"Fraction instruction"
names(labeled_topic_list) <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15)
effect_stm_15_td <- effect_stm_15_td %>%
mutate(topic_label = as.factor(labeled_topic_list[effect_stm_15_td$topic])) %>%
dplyr::select(topic, topic_label, term, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value) %>%
mutate(estimate = weights::rd(estimate, add=FALSE, digits = 3)) %>%
mutate(std.error = weights::rd(std.error, add=FALSE, digits = 3)) %>%
mutate(statistic = weights::rd(statistic, add=FALSE, digits = 3)) %>%
mutate(p.value = weights::rd(p.value, add=FALSE, digits = 3))
3. Results
#### Tidy the word-topic combinations (per-topic-per-term probabilities).
united_tbl <- read_csv("data/united_tbl.csv")
stm_15$vocab <- dplyr::case_when(
stm_15$vocab == "aac" ~ "AAC",
stm_15$vocab == "adhd" ~ "ADHD",
stm_15$vocab == "asd" ~ "ASD",
stm_15$vocab == "assistive_technology" ~ "assistive technology",
stm_15$vocab == "baip" ~ "BAIP",
stm_15$vocab == "basic_skill" ~ "basic skill",
stm_15$vocab == "blended_learning" ~ "blended learning",
stm_15$vocab == "bmt" ~ "BMT",
stm_15$vocab == "cai" ~ "CAI",
stm_15$vocab == "cbm" ~ "CBM",
stm_15$vocab == "ccss" ~ "CCSS",
stm_15$vocab == "concrete_manipulatives" ~ "concrete manipulatives",
stm_15$vocab == "cra" ~ "CRA",
stm_15$vocab == "digital_text" ~ "digital text",
stm_15$vocab == "drill_practice" ~ "drill and practice",
stm_15$vocab == "eai" ~ "EAI",
stm_15$vocab == "ebd" ~ "EBD",
stm_15$vocab == "ebp" ~ "EBP",
stm_15$vocab == "eworkbook" ~ "eWorkbook",
stm_15$vocab == "explicit_instruction" ~ "explicit instruction",
stm_15$vocab == "functional_relation" ~ "functional relation",
stm_15$vocab == "fxs" ~ "FXS",
stm_15$vocab == "graphing_calculator" ~ "graphing calculator",
stm_15$vocab == "high_school" ~ "high school",
stm_15$vocab == "ict" ~ "ICT",
stm_15$vocab == "instructional_sequence" ~ "instructional sequence",
stm_15$vocab == "intellectual_disability" ~ "intellectual disability",
stm_15$vocab == "ipad" ~ "iPad",
stm_15$vocab == "ipod" ~ "iPod",
stm_15$vocab == "kindle" ~ "Kindle",
stm_15$vocab == "learning_disability" ~ "learning disability",
stm_15$vocab == "learning_disabled" ~ "learning disabled",
stm_15$vocab == "mathematics_disability" ~ "mathematics disability",
stm_15$vocab == "mathematics_skill" ~ "mathematics skill",
stm_15$vocab == "middle_school" ~ "middle school",
stm_15$vocab == "mld" ~ "MLD",
stm_15$vocab == "more" ~ "MORE",
stm_15$vocab == "multiple_baseline" ~ "multiple baseline",
stm_15$vocab == "multiple_probe" ~ "multiple probe",
stm_15$vocab == "multiplication_fact" ~ "multiplication fact",
stm_15$vocab == "oer" ~ "OER",
stm_15$vocab == "paper_pencil" ~ "paper and pencil",
stm_15$vocab == "problem_solving" ~ "problem solving",
stm_15$vocab == "rti" ~ "RtI",
stm_15$vocab == "sbi" ~ "SBI",
stm_15$vocab == "secondary_student" ~ "secondary student",
stm_15$vocab == "self_monitoring" ~ "self-monitoring",
stm_15$vocab == "single_case" ~ "single case",
stm_15$vocab == "single_subject" ~ "single subject",
stm_15$vocab == "speech_generating" ~ "speech generating",
stm_15$vocab == "stem" ~ "STEM",
stm_15$vocab == "udl" ~ "UDL",
stm_15$vocab == "video_modeling" ~ "video modeling",
stm_15$vocab == "video_prompting" ~ "video prompting",
stm_15$vocab == "virtual_abstract" ~ "virtual-abstract",
stm_15$vocab == "virtual_manipulatives" ~ "virtual manipulatives",
stm_15$vocab == "visual_impairment" ~ "visual impairment",
stm_15$vocab == "visually_impaired" ~ "visually impaired",
stm_15$vocab == "vra" ~ "VRA",
stm_15$vocab == "word_problem" ~ "word problem",
TRUE ~ as.character(stm_15$vocab)
beta_td <- tidy(stm_15, document_names = rownames(dfm_2), log = FALSE)
#### Replace integers with character values in the topic.
beta_td <- beta_td %>%
mutate(topic_label = as.factor(labeled_topic_list[beta_td$topic])) %>%
dplyr::select(topic, topic_label, term, beta)
beta_td_selected <- beta_td %>%
group_by(topic_label) %>%
top_n(10, beta) %>%
arrange(topic_label, desc(beta)) %>%
mutate(beta = weights::rd(beta, add=FALSE, digits = 3))
beta_td_selected$beta <- paste0("(", beta_td_selected$beta, ")")
beta_td_selected$term <- paste(beta_td_selected$term, beta_td_selected$beta)
beta_td_selected_combined <- beta_td_selected %>%
group_by(topic_label) %>%
summarise(Terms = str_c(term, collapse =", "))
#### Examine the document-topic combinations (per-document-per topic probabilities).
theta_td_int <- tidy(stm_15, matrix = "theta",
document_names = rownames(dfm_2@docvars$study_number))
theta_td_int$study_number <- theta_td_int$document
theta_td_int$theta <- theta_td_int$gamma
# Replace integers with character values in the topic.
theta_td <- theta_td_int %>% left_join(united_tbl, by = "study_number") %>%
mutate(topic_label = as.factor(labeled_topic_list[theta_td_int$topic]))
theta_td <- theta_td %>% dplyr::select(document, study_number, topic, topic_label,
theta_td_mean <- theta_td %>%
group_by(topic_label) %>%
summarise(theta = mean(theta)) %>%
mutate(topic = reorder(topic_label, theta))
theta_td_mean <- theta_td_mean %>% mutate(theta = round(theta, 3))
# Create correlation matrix (Correlation between topic proportion and year).
cor_topic <- cbind(stm_15$theta,
theta_td %>% dplyr::select(year)) %>% corr.test()
cor_topic <- cor_topic$r
colnames(cor_topic) <- c(labeled_topic_list, 'year')
rownames(cor_topic) <- c(labeled_topic_list, 'year')
cor_topic <- cor_topic %>% melt()
p_topic <- cbind(stm_15$theta,
theta_td %>% dplyr::select(year)) %>% corr.test()
p_topic <- p_topic$p
p_topic <- p_topic %>% melt()
p_topic$p.sig <-
case_when($value) ~ "",
p_topic$value < 0.001 ~ "***",
p_topic$value < 0.01 ~ "**",
p_topic$value < 0.05 ~ "*",
TRUE ~ ""
cor_topic <- bind_cols(cor_topic, p_topic)
names(cor_topic) <- c("labeled_topic", "labeled_topic_group", "r",
"labeled_topic_f", "labeled_topic_group_f", "p", "p.sig")
cor_topic <- cor_topic %>% dplyr::select(labeled_topic, labeled_topic_group, r, p, p.sig)
cor_topic <- cor_topic %>% filter(labeled_topic %in% 'year')
cor_topic <- cor_topic %>% filter(!labeled_topic_group %in% 'year')
cor_topic <- cor_topic %>%
mutate(p.ast = if_else(
r < 0,
str_replace_all(p.sig, '\\*', '-'),
str_replace_all(p.sig, '\\*', '+')
cor_topic_clean <- cor_topic %>%
mutate(r = weights::rd(r, add=FALSE, digits = 2)) %>%
mutate(p = weights::rd(p, add=FALSE, digits = 3))
cor_topic_clean$r <- paste0(cor_topic_clean$r, cor_topic_clean$p.sig)
#### Replace character vectors
dfm_2@Dimnames$features <- dplyr::case_when(
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "aac" ~ "AAC",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "adhd" ~ "ADHD",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "asd" ~ "ASD",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "assistive_technology" ~ "assistive technology",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "baip" ~ "BAIP",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "basic_skill" ~ "basic skill",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "blended_learning" ~ "blended learning",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "bmt" ~ "BMT",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "cai" ~ "CAI",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "cbm" ~ "CBM",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ccss" ~ "CCSS",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "concrete_manipulatives" ~ "concrete manipulatives",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "cra" ~ "CRA",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "digital_text" ~ "digital text",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "drill_practice" ~ "drill and practice",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "eai" ~ "EAI",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ebd" ~ "EBD",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ebp" ~ "EBP",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "eworkbook" ~ "eWorkbook",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "explicit_instruction" ~ "explicit instruction",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "functional_relation" ~ "functional relation",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "fxs" ~ "FXS",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "graphing_calculator" ~ "graphing calculator",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "high_school" ~ "high school",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ict" ~ "ICT",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "instructional_sequence" ~ "instructional sequence",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "intellectual_disability" ~ "intellectual disability",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ipad" ~ "iPad",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "ipod" ~ "iPod",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "kindle" ~ "Kindle",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "learning_disability" ~ "learning disability",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "learning_disabled" ~ "learning disabled",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "mathematics_disability" ~ "mathematics disability",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "mathematics_skill" ~ "mathematics skill",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "middle_school" ~ "middle school",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "mld" ~ "MLD",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "more" ~ "MORE",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "multiple_baseline" ~ "multiple baseline",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "multiple_probe" ~ "multiple probe",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "multiplication_fact" ~ "multiplication fact",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "oer" ~ "OER",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "paper_pencil" ~ "paper and pencil",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "problem_solving" ~ "problem solving",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "rti" ~ "RtI",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "sbi" ~ "SBI",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "secondary_student" ~ "secondary student",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "self_monitoring" ~ "self-monitoring",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "single_case" ~ "single case",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "single_subject" ~ "single subject",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "speech_generating" ~ "speech generating",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "stem" ~ "STEM",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "udl" ~ "UDL",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "video_modeling" ~ "video modeling",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "video_prompting" ~ "video prompting",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "virtual_abstract" ~ "virtual-abstract",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "virtual_manipulatives" ~ "virtual manipulatives",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "visual_impairment" ~ "visual impairment",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "visually_impaired" ~ "visually impaired",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "vra" ~ "VRA",
dfm_2@Dimnames$features == "word_problem" ~ "word problem",
TRUE ~ as.character(dfm_2@Dimnames$features)
dfm_2_td <- tidy(dfm_2)
# Merge data tables.
theta_td$document <- as.character(theta_td$document)
dfm_gamma <- dfm_2_td %>%
left_join(y = theta_td, by = c("document" = "document"))
theta_td_mean_cor <- cor_topic_clean %>%
left_join(y = theta_td_mean, by = c("labeled_topic_group" = "topic_label")) %>%
arrange(desc(r)) %>%
theta_td_mean_cor <- theta_td_mean_cor %>%
select(topic, theta, r, p)
theta_td_mean_cor_beta <- theta_td_mean_cor %>%
left_join(y = beta_td_selected_combined, by = c("topic" = "topic_label")) %>%
theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected <- theta_td_mean_cor_beta %>%
dplyr::select(Terms, topic, theta, r, p) %>%
mutate(theta = weights::rd(theta, add=FALSE, digits = 3)) %>%
arrange(desc(theta)) %>%
theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected$theta <- paste0("(", theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected$theta, ")")
theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected$Topics <- paste(theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected$topic, theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected$theta)
theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected_update <- theta_td_mean_cor_beta_selected %>%
select(Terms, Topics, r, p)
4. Topic distribution
theta_td$period <- dplyr::case_when(
theta_td$period == "1980_to_1989" ~ "1980 to 1989",
theta_td$period == "1990_to_1999" ~ "1990 to 1999",
theta_td$period == "2000_to_2009" ~ "2000 to 2009",
theta_td$period == "2010_to_2021" ~ "2010 to 2021",
TRUE ~ as.character(theta_td$period)
topic_by_prevalence_publication <- theta_td %>%
ggplot(aes(study_number, theta, color = as.factor(period))) +
geom_line(show.legend = TRUE, linewidth = 0.3) +
lemon::facet_rep_wrap(~ topic_label, repeat.tick.labels = FALSE, ncol = 3) +
labs(x = "Publications",
y = expression("Topic proportion" ~ (theta)),
color = "Period",
size = 11) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = numform::ff_num(zero = 0, digits = 2)) +
theme_minimal(base_size = 11) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.3),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 10)),
legend.title = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
legend.title.align = 0.5,
legend.position = "bottom")
5. Topic proportion by year
effects_year <- get_effects(estimates = effect_stm_15,
variable = 'year',
type = 'pointestimate')
effects_year <- effects_year %>%
mutate(topic_label = labeled_topic_list[as.character(effects_year$topic)]) %>%
dplyr::select(value, topic, topic_label, proportion, lower, upper)
effects_year <- effects_year %>%
mutate(year = as.numeric(effects_year$value) + 1979)
year_plot <- effects_year %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = proportion)) +
facet_wrap(~ topic_label, ncol = 3, scales = "free") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = numform::ff_num(zero = 0, digits = 3)) +
geom_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.3) +
xlab('Publication year') +
ylab(expression("Topic proportion" ~ (theta))) +
theme_minimal(base_size = 11) +
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.3),
axis.ticks = element_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.3),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10)),
axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 10)))
Word network analysis
1. 1980 to 1989
word_co_by_1989 <- dfm_gamma %>%
filter(year >=1980 & year <= 1989) %>%
pairwise_count(term, study_number, sort = TRUE)
# summary(word_co_by_1989)
graph_1989_td <- word_co_by_1989 %>%
filter(n >= 4) %>%
as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE) %>%
mutate(centrality = centrality_degree(mode = "out") / (39-1))
layout_1989 <- create_layout(graph_1989_td,
layout = "stress")
network_1989 <- layout_1989 %>%
ggraph() +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), edge_colour = "#bdbdbd", edge_width = 1) +
geom_node_point(aes(size = centrality, colour = centrality)) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 4, repel = TRUE) +
scale_color_continuous(guide = 'legend', high = "#3182bd", low = "#deebf7") +
theme_void(base_size = 13) +
legend.text=element_text(size = 11),
legend.position = "right")
2. 1990 to 1999
word_co_by_1999 <- dfm_gamma %>%
filter(year >=1990 & year <= 1999) %>%
pairwise_count(term, study_number, sort = TRUE)
# summary(word_co_by_1999)
graph_1999_td <- word_co_by_1999 %>%
filter(n >= 4) %>%
as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE) %>%
mutate(centrality = centrality_degree(mode = "out") / (43-1))
layout_1999 <- create_layout(graph_1999_td,
layout = "stress")
network_1999 <- layout_1999 %>%
ggraph() +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), edge_colour = "#bdbdbd", edge_width = 1) +
geom_node_point(aes(size = centrality, colour = centrality)) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 4, repel = TRUE) +
scale_color_continuous(guide = 'legend', high = "#3182bd", low = "#deebf7") +
theme_void(base_size = 13) +
legend.text=element_text(size = 11),
legend.position = "right")
3. 2000 to 2009
word_co_by_2009 <- dfm_gamma %>%
filter(year >=2000 & year <= 2009) %>%
pairwise_count(term, study_number, sort = TRUE)
# summary(word_co_by_2009)
graph_2009_td <- word_co_by_2009 %>%
filter(n >= 4) %>%
as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE) %>%
mutate(centrality = centrality_degree(mode = "out") / (52-1)) # check
layout_2009 <- create_layout(graph_2009_td,
layout = "stress")
network_2009 <- layout_2009 %>%
ggraph() +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), edge_colour = "#bdbdbd", edge_width = 1) +
geom_node_point(aes(size = centrality, colour = centrality)) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 4, repel = TRUE) +
scale_color_continuous(guide = 'legend', high = "#3182bd", low = "#deebf7") +
theme_void(base_size = 13) +
legend.text=element_text(size = 11),
legend.position = "right")
4. 2010 to 2021
word_co_by_2021 <- dfm_gamma %>%
filter(year >=2010 & year <= 2021) %>%
pairwise_count(term, study_number, sort = TRUE)
# summary(word_co_by_2021)
graph_2021_td <- word_co_by_2021 %>%
filter(n >= 14) %>%
as_tbl_graph(directed = TRUE) %>%
mutate(centrality = centrality_degree(mode = "out") / (51-1)) # check
layout_2021 <- create_layout(graph_2021_td,
layout = "stress")
network_2021 <- layout_2021 %>%
ggraph() +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = n), edge_colour = "#bdbdbd", edge_width = 1) +
geom_node_point(aes(size = centrality, colour = centrality)) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), size = 4, repel = TRUE) +
scale_color_continuous(guide = 'legend', high = "#3182bd", low = "#deebf7") +
theme_void(base_size = 13) +
legend.text=element_text(size = 11),
legend.position = "right")
Total number of publications
#### Number of publications over time
year_doc_counts_all <- united_tbl %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(publication_number = n()) %>%
plot_year_doc_counts <- year_doc_counts_all %>%
ggplot(aes(year, publication_number)) +
geom_col(fill = "#979797") +
theme_classic() +
axis.line = element_line(color = "#3B3B3B", linewidth = 0.2),
axis.title = element_text(size = 11, color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin(t = 10), color = "#3B3B3B"),
axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(r = 10), color = "#3B3B3B")) +
labs(x = "Year", y = "Number of publications")